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Artist’s bio

This brief biographical piece is often requested by the production team at the last minute for a show’s printed program. Thus, it is good practice for an artist to have it readily available and update it regularly along with one’s resume’s developments. It may also offer an opportunity for a low-stakes writing assignment.

Example 1: Play Program

The producer of the show that recently cast you needs a brief text to go along with your head shot for the evening’s playbill. Write a short 60 words bio that includes your most relevant theatre studies and latest artistic achievements.

Example 2: Yourself as Artist

Imagine that your artistic life until now could be analyzed through the Aristotelian triadic theory of action (beginning, middle, and end). Write a short 60-80 words bio that includes the most relevant beginning of your interest or studies in theatre, a culmination of your dedication to this art, and your current involvement with it.

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